The Bridge to Literacy Project connects children
at risk for illiteracy with sponsors who want to help
get books into these children's hands. As a children’s author, I am giving 100% of my time and proceeds
from Read to Me! and The Same Heart to the Bridge2Literacy Project.

I invite you to be a part of the
Bridge2Literacy Team! 
We can make a difference one child
and one book at a time.

Encourages the love of reading.

Promotes love of self and others.


Be a part 
of the
1. Read to a child! Any place is a great place to read! 2. Buy a book! When you buy a book, 
we give a book to a child at risk for illiteracy. 3. Sponsor a book! Talk with Chris about helping fund her next 
book to be given to parenting organizations and 
children's literacy programs. For every dollar we invest 
in early education, we save $8 
in future social services.

When you read these books to
a child, three things happen:

they learn reading skills,
they learn values, and
they feel loved.

2635 Rice Blvd, Suite 202
Houston, TX 77005


Literacy Facts

Did you know? The more books a child
owns or borrows from the library, the more
years a child will spend in school.

The most important time to read to a child
is from birth to five years old. But there are
benefits to reading together at every age.

If children read well by the third grade, they

     • are happier, healthier, and
       more confident

     • are more involved in safe, positive

     • get better grades in every subject

     • are more likely to graduate from
       high school

     • get better jobs and help create
       better communities

     • develop a better ability to focus

     • grow up to have more successful

When you take a little time to read
to your child today, you make a big
difference in the future


Reading Tips

I. Read to your child every day.

2. Have fun rhyming and saying new words.

3. Use alphabet books to teach children
   to identify letters and make their sounds.

4. Read the words that are around you
    on signs,   stores and cereal boxes.

5. Ask questions or point out things in books
   as you read.

6. Take your child to the library often,
    and be sure to keep plenty of books
    available at home.

7. Have fun! Enjoy your time reading together!

Education and love are the best foundation
we can provide for our children.

Children are our best investment
in making a difference in the lives
of individuals and our communities.

1251 Washington Ave North

Minneapolis, MN 55401


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